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LimeWire is a content sharing platform that was re-launched in 2022 as a way to connect artists and consumers using blockchain-based Web3 technology.

What is LimeWire? (LMWR)

LimeWire is a content sharing platform that was re-launched in 2022 as a way to connect artists and consumers using blockchain-based Web3 technology.

Those who recall the early 2000s might remember the “Wild West” of file sharing through software like Napster and LimeWire. Though legal contests ultimately halted the popular use of these platforms for pirating music, LimeWire has re-emerged more than a decade later with a similar-yet-different model—this time based on blockchain technology.

The “new” LimeWire is a content sharing platform that was originally built on Algorand, but it has multichain capabilities for use on Ethereum and other networks. Like the music-focused Web3 project Audius, it aims to more closely connect creators and consumers. This theoretically removes intermediaries from economies of art (like record labels for music artists), allowing creators to benefit more from their work.

Initially, LimeWire emphasized the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as a way to facilitate a rich content economy. While that still has a significant role in its model, the platform has since added an artificial intelligence (AI) suite of tools for creators to generate music, images, and video.

LimeWire’s platform uses the LMWR utility token to allow creators and consumers to interact. It provides a loyalty program, a way to enact community governance, and incentivizes use of the platform.

How was LimeWire developed?

The original LimeWire was released in 2000 as a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing network founded by engineer-turned-investor Mark Gorton. It became a highly trafficked platform for sharing varying digital content, but its most famous use was for pirating music. This led to its eventual collapse under legal pressure. In 2011, LimeWire settled in court with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for over $100 million, after which it stopped distributing its software.

In 2022, the name “LimeWire” was revived by co-founders Paul and Julian Zehetmayr for their NFT-powered content sharing platform. Neither has any connection to the original LimeWire, and Gorton was “not thrilled” about the use of the moniker. However, after 11 years the name once again became associated with P2P music sharing—albeit now on the blockchain.

Hailing from Austria, Zehetmayr brothers had founded and led multiple tech companies before spearheading the new incarnation of LimeWire. In 2022, the project reportedly raised more than $10 million from private LMWR token pre-sales, and by 2023 it had raised $17.75 million with the additional funds from a public token sale. Supporters have included Kraken Ventures, Crypto.com, and venture capital firm Arrington Capital.

How does LimeWire work?

LimeWire’s renaissance began only as a revival of content sharing using Web3 technology. However, with the rise in popularity of artificial intelligence (AI), the platform took on a second focus in AI-facilitated content creation. Each purpose is meant to drive forward the other.

Content sharing

Central to Web3 dogma is the concept of digital ownership and individual control. LimeWire’s platform ensures that ownership of content is guaranteed to both consumers and creators. It accomplishes this through NFTs.

As users (consumers) pay for subscriptions to desired artists (creators), they receive NFTs that allow them to access content. These NFTs permit users to collect shared content, and they are stored on the blockchain to irrefutably denote ownership. Furthermore, because they own these digital assets, users can resell NFTs on a secondary market.

Meanwhile, artists can create content for a known community who is paying for access. Such a system allows for more efficient revenue generation for creators (i.e., no loss of profits to intermediaries) and a closer connection to consumers. It also creates the opportunity for pay-per-view functionality—distributing royalties in cryptocurrency to artists and NFT owners for each time a non-subscribing user consumes content.

Artificial intelligence (AI) studio

In September 2023, LimeWire acquired BlueWillow, one of the largest generative AI platforms. By incorporating AI-facilitated content creation, LimeWire became a one-stop-shop for creators to both make and distribute their content. LimeWire’s AI Studio offers ways for creators to generate images, music, and videos that can be sold or distributed to subscribers.

How is the LMWR token used?

The LMWR token is the platform’s utility token and serves a number of roles in LimeWire’s operations. LMWR’s first purpose is to grant LimeWire users different benefits based on the number of tokens they hold, which creates a loyalty system. “Basic” level token holders benefit from a stable rate of token rewards, while “Advanced” and “Pro” benefits—including higher reward rates, community voting rights, and wider access to content—are unlocked for users who hold more tokens. At launch, the Advanced tier was achieved by holding 15,000 LMWR, and the Pro tier was achieved by holding 50,000 LMWR.

LMWR is also used to pay for subscriptions and transactions on LimeWire’s platform, and incentives are given to both customers and creators for interacting using LMWR rather than other currencies. Finally, holding LMWR grants users rights to participate in community governance, allowing them to have input on the direction of the platform’s development and features.

Token distribution

There is a maximum supply of 1 billion LMWR tokens. The largest portion of these (43%) is allocated to the LimeWire Ecosystem Fund, comprising a treasury (15%), community rewards (15%), and an artist fund (13%). These tokens are overseen by the LimeWire Foundation. Another 30% of tokens were sold through private and public token sales, with lockups of up to 1 year. The development team and advisors were allocated 22% of tokens, and 5% were reserved for “liquidity.”


  • LimeWire is a content sharing platform that incorporates generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology and connects creators and consumers of digital media.
  • The original LimeWire P2P platform stopped operations in 2011, and while the 2022 “re-launch” sports the same name, there is no connection between the two.
  • The LMWR token is a utility token that incentivizes use of the platform and facilitates interactions between content creators and consumers.

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