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Crypto trading

Bitstamp is a trading platform, and we want to help you navigate the world of trading in order to take full advantage of our platform.

If you are new to trading, you will find articles that describe the difference between technical and fundamental analysis (hint: technical analysis is a study of market trends and fundamental analysis attempts to evaluate an asset’s true value), why dollar cost averaging is the preferred investing method of many retails or the definition of certain common terms (like FOMO, or whales).

You can also locate our introductory articles to candlestick charts and chart patterns (including continuation patterns and reversal chart patterns) as well as the ones on trendlines, support and resistance.

If you are trying to take the next step in your trading journey, we also have articles for you. You can browse our articles on Bollinger bands, Ichimoku clouds, Elliot wave theory and even Fibonacci retracements and extensions.


Advanced Technical Analysis Techniques for Crypto
Advanced Technical Analysis Techniques for Crypto

Technical analysis (TA) is the study of historical price and volume data to help predict future market movements.

Are Crypto Markets and Stock Markets Correlated?
Are Crypto Markets and Stock Markets Correlated?

Cryptocurrency prices can sometimes appear to be moving in parallel with major stock indices. However, at other times, there is no correlation. How correlated are the cryptocurrency markets and the stock markets, and what factors drive the relationship?

Common crypto order types
Common crypto order types

Trading crypto at an exchange is done by using buy and sell orders. These orders are simple contracts that allow you to specify which crypto you want to buy, how much of it and for what price. Alternatively, you can enter what you want to sell and the conditions under which you are willing to sell it.

Crypto investment terms 101
Crypto investment terms 101

When entering the world of crypto investment for the first time, you may find yourself bombarded with terminology that makes little sense to the average person. In order to grow comfortable with this jargon, an introduction to crypto-specific terms can be useful.

Day trading vs. HODLing: Strategies for Crypto Investors
Day trading vs. HODLing: Strategies for Crypto Investors

Rationale for short-term vs. long-term crypto trading

Discover More USD Trading Pairs
Discover More USD Trading Pairs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on some lesser known USD trading pairs available on Bitstamp. Explore our diverse range of cryptocurrencies paired with the US Dollar. Click on the links to start trading directly.

How does a crypto exchange work?
How does a crypto exchange work?

An exchange is a place where individuals or companies can trade currencies, securities, commodities and more. A cryptocurrency exchange allows you to easily trade one cryptocurrency for another (that’s a crypto-to-crypto exchange) or fiat money for cryptocurrencies (a fiat-to-crypto exchange).

How to Hedge Cryptocurrency Investments Using Derivatives
How to Hedge Cryptocurrency Investments Using Derivatives

Hedging is a risk management strategy where traders take opposite positions to protect their trades and investments.

How to Trade Cryptocurrency Derivatives: A Beginner’s Guide
How to Trade Cryptocurrency Derivatives: A Beginner’s Guide

Derivatives are financial tools used to trade their underlying assets.

How to use Fibonacci retracements and extensions?
How to use Fibonacci retracements and extensions?

There are lots of tools used in technical analysis to help predict the future of market trends. Among them are Fibonacci retracements and extensions, which are tools based on a string of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence.

Inflationary vs deflationary currencies
Inflationary vs deflationary currencies

The basic properties of some currencies make them lose value over time. For these currencies, holding them long-term (or “HODLing,” as we say in crypto slang) invariably means you will end up with less than you started with. But why does this happen?

Introduction to chart patterns
Introduction to chart patterns

Candlestick charts are among the most popular representations of technical analysis data. In order to be able to fully utilize candlestick charts to predict upcoming trends, a trader (or investor) must be familiar with different patterns that candlesticks form on charts and what they could potentially signal. In this article, we will cover the basics about chart patterns.

Retail, institutional and high-frequency trading
Retail, institutional and high-frequency trading

The crypto market caters to many types of investors, from those trading in their spare time to full-time investors. The advent of technology brings investment opportunities into our homes. Nowadays everyone can easily become a retail trader (a non-professional investor). The investment options that used to be reserved only for institutional investors (professional traders and companies) are no longer limited to the exclusive elite. Even advanced high-frequency trading (or HFT) is now available to just about everyone.

The underlying value of blockchains
The underlying value of blockchains

Cryptocurrencies have been making headlines for their frequent sharp rises in value. But their value far transcends what the coins and tokens are worth in fiat. Cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology pave the way for a new and better world.

Understanding Crypto Investments: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Crypto Investments: A Comprehensive Guide

The world of cryptocurrency investments is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, offering opportunities and presenting complex challenges. As the crypto ecosystem continues to expand, it becomes increasingly vital for investors to understand the nuances, risks, and responsibilities involved in this digital frontier.

Understanding Crypto Market Indicators
Understanding Crypto Market Indicators

Crypto market indicators use historical price and/or volume data of an asset to analyze trends and predict that asset’s potential price movements.

Understanding Margin and Leverage in Crypto Derivatives
Understanding Margin and Leverage in Crypto Derivatives

Derivatives are financial tools whose capacity for magnifying gains and losses is rooted in the concept of leverage. In cryptocurrency markets, derivatives give traders the opportunity to make outsized profits in digital asset trading—at the cost of increased risk.

Understanding Market Sentiment in Crypto Trading
Understanding Market Sentiment in Crypto Trading

Market sentiment is the collective attitude of investors and traders towards a particular asset and is often categorized as bullish or bearish.